From a Grap­hic Artist to a Log­ger

Terry Hays chan­ged careers from Grap­hic Artist to fore­stry in 2001. At first, a woman at the cont­rols of a fore­stry mac­hine rai­sed some eye­brows and sus­picions. Terry has won the trust of clients with her pro­fes­sio­nal com­pe­tence. From the cabin of the PONSSE Wisent, she likes to watch the won­ders of wild­life while wor­king.

Terry became a fore­stry mac­hine ope­ra­tor by chance. Ter­ry’s fat­her owned Lea­nard Bur­rows Forest Pro­ducts, where Ter­ry’s hus­band Ron wor­ked. In 1995 Ron foun­ded Hays Tim­berworks and Terry, who wor­ked as a Grap­hic Artist, joi­ned the com­pany in 2001 when the com­pany bought its first forwar­der.

Ori­gi­nally, Terry was only sup­po­sed to work for the com­pany for four years until the mac­hine was paid for. But Terry still finds her­self at the cont­rols of the forwar­der. In 2021, Ron reti­red and at that point Terry took over the run­ning of the com­pany.

“It feels good to be a woman in the woods, even though at first my abi­li­ties were ques­tio­ned. Lan­dow­ners and fore­men were asked if it was okay to have a woman ope­ra­tor. Now things are dif­fe­rent. I’ve been doing this long enough, so I think I’ve gai­ned their trust,” Terry says with a laugh.

Ter­ry’s parents are also proud of their daugh­ter’s success. Fat­her Lea­nard was deligh­ted to see his daugh­ter take up fore­stry, while mot­her Mar­ga­ret was a little more scep­tical about her daugh­ter’s success in the industry. But her mot­her’s doubts have been dis­pel­led over the years.

Smooth coo­pe­ra­tion

Ter­ry’s second forwar­der in her fore­stry career is a PONSSE Wisent, which she says is “great”, alt­hough it took a little get­ting used to the Active Crane. What Terry enjoys about the mac­hine is that it has a very com­for­table and spacious cabin and it runs very smoothly. Thanks to the many win­dows, visi­bi­lity is good.

During the deli­very of the PONSSE Wisent, Ponsse’s ope­ra­tor trai­ner Brad Brown was on hand to help Terry. “Brad is a really good trai­ner and help­ful. I went through the whole mac­hine with Brad and he answe­red all my ques­tions. Eve­ry­one at Ponsse was really help­ful and very good to work with.”

Aside from fore­stry, Terry wants to be more acti­vely invol­ved with the Ponsse Ladies and can’t wait to get to know the mem­bers of the group.

Close to nature

“My job allows me to get up close to nature and wild­life,” says Terry. Over the course of her career, she has come across a wide range of events.

“Three days before the start of the deer hun­ting sea­son, four bucks were run­ning towards my mac­hine while cha­sing a doe. In the end, the big­gest of the bucks won and cha­sed the other bucks away. It is very rare to see somet­hing like this”. Terry mana­ged to film the event on her phone and often shows the video to lan­dow­ners who fear the big forest mac­hi­nes will scare away the deer. “To their surprise, they learn the deer often fol­low the mac­hi­nes.”

Terry also has a pic­ture of a grouse in her phone. In the after­math of the storm damage, Terry had three log­ging sites close toget­her and the grouse fol­lowed her from site to site. It even sat in the mac­hi­ne’s cabin and on top of the log pile.