Epec opens a res­pon­sible and smart fac­tory

Epec Oy’s new smart elect­ro­nics fac­tory aims for car­bon neut­ra­lity and uses res­pon­sible manu­fac­tu­ring proces­ses.

The Fin­nish tech­no­logy com­pany Epec opens a new smart and envi­ron­men­tally friendly Epec Smart Fac­tory 1 (ESF1) in Sei­nä­joki, Fin­land. The fac­tory pro­duces, for example, cont­rol units, displays, sen­sors, power distri­bu­tion units and tele­ma­tics units for the needs of various mobile work mac­hi­nes and com­mercial vehicles. In addi­tion, Epec designs and deve­lops sys­tems and software for mac­hine manu­fac­tu­rer needs.

The state-of-the-art fac­tory is a sig­ni­ficant invest­ment for Epec and is in line with the company’s growth goals and res­pon­si­bi­lity com­mit­ments. The Mana­ging Direc­tor of Epec, Jyri Kylä-Kaila, explains: “Res­pon­si­bi­lity goals are also pus­hing the tech­no­logy trans­for­ma­tion in the mobile mac­hi­nery and com­mercial vehicle sec­tor. The tech­no­logy trans­for­ma­tion is acce­le­ra­ting digi­ti­sa­tion and elect­ri­fica­tion in mobile mac­hi­nery and vehicles. Epec’s pro­ducts play a key role in enabling the deve­lop­ment of more res­pon­sible mobile mac­hi­nery and com­mercial vehicles. They offer solu­tions for inte­gra­ting elect­ro­nic sys­tems and cont­rol sys­tems, opti­mise the efficiency of mac­hi­nes and pro­mote pro­duc­ti­vity, while reducing emis­sions. Our pro­ducts enable the path towards zero-emis­sion work mac­hi­nes. The fac­tory offers us a sig­ni­ficant oppor­tu­nity for our growth and for our cus­to­mers’ con­ti­nued success.”

“We are really exci­ted about Epec’s new fac­tory. The rapid deve­lop­ment of tech­no­logy and inc­rea­sing sus­tai­na­bi­lity demands pro­vide Epec with an excel­lent oppor­tu­nity to cont­ri­bute to tech­no­logy aimed at zero emis­sions. Ponsse’s vision is to be the pre­fer­red part­ner in res­pon­sible fore­stry, obli­ging us to con­duct bold deve­lop­ment work from an envi­ron­men­tal pers­pec­tive as well. Ponsse aims for more cli­mate- and envi­ron­men­tally friendly solu­tions in pro­duct and ser­vice deve­lop­ment. The fac­tory in Sei­nä­joki is one conc­rete step towards this goal, both in terms of pro­duct offe­ring and daily ope­ra­tions. Epec sup­ports Ponsse’s tech­no­lo­gical deve­lop­ment and plays a part in enabling our future growth”, says Juho Num­mela, Pre­si­dent and CEO, Ponsse Plc

Intel­li­gent and sus­tai­nable elect­ro­nics pro­duc­tion

ESF1 aims for car­bon neut­ra­lity during ope­ra­tion and uses sus­tai­nable manu­fac­tu­ring proces­ses. The fac­tory, cove­ring an area of 8,500 m², incor­po­ra­tes energy-efficient solu­tions, inclu­ding elect­ricity gene­ra­tion from more than 600 solar panels (210 MWh/year) and a geot­her­mal sys­tem. Heat reco­very is achie­ved through efficient needle heat exc­han­gers, and the need for coo­ling energy is sig­ni­ficantly reduced by an alu­mi­nium grille in the office wall. All elect­ricity and hea­ting energy is sourced from renewable sources.

The ESF1 pro­ject progres­sed accor­ding to the plan­ned sche­dule. Epec moved its headquar­ters and pro­duc­tion to new pre­mi­ses at the end of 2023. The expan­ded and modern pro­duc­tion faci­li­ties enable the opti­mi­sa­tion of manu­fac­tu­ring proces­ses and impro­ve­ment in mate­rial flow mana­ge­ment. The ope­ning of the fac­tory is 18 January 2024.

“Digi­ta­li­sa­tion and sus­tai­na­bi­lity are at the core of ESF1,” says Eeva Kos­kela, Epec’s Supply Chain Direc­tor, who led the pro­ject. “Auto­ma­tion, leve­ra­ging data and care­ful plan­ning ensure not only pro­duc­ti­vity but also work safety and com­fort. The fac­tory is desig­ned and equip­ped to bet­ter meet cus­to­mer needs and strin­gent qua­lity requi­re­ments. Ove­rall, the tes­ting and pro­duc­tion tech­no­logy are top-notch. The reloca­tion pro­ject procee­ded smoothly, and it seems the faci­li­ties serve Epec’s needs excel­lently.”