Ponsse manu­fac­tu­res its 20,000 forest mac­hine

The 20,000th PONSSE forest mac­hine has been comple­ted at Ponsse’s fac­tory in Vie­remä, Fin­land. After the celebra­tion on 11 Decem­ber, the PONSSE Bear har­ves­ter with PONSSE H8 har­ves­ter head will go to a Norwe­gian cus­to­mer, Lågen Skogsdrift AS.

“It’s great to see that mac­hine num­ber 20,000 is coming to Norway and to a cus­to­mer with whom we have good and long coo­pe­ra­tion. Our mar­ket here in Norway is growing, and this year will be a new record year. The Bear har­ves­ter is an impres­sive mac­hine – and now even more so with its new H8 har­ves­ter head. This cont­ri­bu­tes to our strength in the most deman­ding har­ves­ting ope­ra­tions in Norway,” says Carl-Hen­rik Ham­mar, Mana­ging Direc­tor Ponsse AB and Ponsse AS.

Lågen Skogsdrift AS ent­repre­neurs have deca­des of expe­rience in fore­stry

Lågen Skogsdrift AS is owned by brot­hers Harald and Gun­nar Evju. The com­pany is in Svars­tad in the south of Norway. The Lågen Skogsdrift AS ope­ra­tion area is Lågen val­ley and parts of Vest­fold, Tele­mark and Bus­ke­rud Coun­ties. Harald and Gun­nar Evju ope­rate in the forest one week and rest the next.

The brot­hers are long-term Ponsse cus­to­mers – this is their eighth Ponsse mac­hine. Harald bought his first Ponsse HS 15 in 1996. He already star­ted wor­king in the forest with a chain­saw in 1978, and his first har­ves­ter was a Log­man, bought in 1993. In 2001, the brot­hers bought their first forest mac­hine toget­her. It was a PONSSE Ergo with 6 wheels and an H73 har­ves­ter head.

“Thank you for your trust from my side, too. We deli­ve­red the first PONSSE Bear har­ves­ter to Harald and Gun­nar in January 2008, and this mac­hine we are han­ding over today is their fifth PONSSE Bear,” says Tom Sundby, Ponsse AS sales­man, south and west Norway. “I think Harald could be the per­son in Norway who has cut the most tim­ber in his wor­king life. He has cut somet­hing between 1.1 and 1.2 mil­lion cubic met­res so far,” Sundby con­ti­nues.

PONSSE Bear – A specia­list in heavy-duty har­ves­ting

PONSSE Bear is the stron­gest har­ves­ter in the model series. The power­ful engine, sturdy crane, two power­ful work pumps and strong H8 har­ves­ter head make it an agile giant for large trees and stands. The new PONSSE H8 har­ves­ter head is the next generation’s har­ves­ter head equip­ped with the Active Speed func­tion, which rai­ses effec­ti­ve­ness and pro­duc­ti­vity to a whole new level, no mat­ter what the tree dia­me­ter is. The com­bi­na­tion of Bear and H8 is a pro­fi­table solu­tion with low lifecycle costs.”

Pho­tos from celebra­tion event