Skills Update Pac­kage

When a new forest mac­hine is deli­ve­red to the cus­to­mer, Pons­se’s ope­ra­tio­nal trai­ner comple­tes the com­mis­sio­ning trai­ning. This is a typical con­tact between the trai­ning team and the cus­to­mer. In con­nec­tion with the deli­very of the mac­hine, it is ensu­red that the cus­to­mer has all the neces­sary infor­ma­tion for the safe and efficient use of the mac­hine. Int­ro­duc­tion trai­ning is usually the first time the cus­to­mer and Pons­se’s trai­ning team meet.

Are we tal­king about trai­ning or upda­ting skills?

The work of a forest mac­hine ope­ra­tor is very much an acti­vity based on daily rou­ti­nes. The ope­ra­tor can talk on the phone or lis­ten to the radio / podcasts while the work rolls on its own weight. Rou­tine is crea­ted through long expe­rience. Skills lear­ned at work have become rou­tine. Rou­ti­nes sup­port daily work.

Howe­ver, tech­no­logy is evol­ving, with more and more auto­ma­tion to sup­port the dri­ver and make work easier on new mac­hi­nes. This is where the dan­ger lies, if one’s own skills are not upda­ted to cor­res­pond to wor­king with today’s mac­hi­nes, then the work can be more stre­nuous than inten­ded.

Mac­hi­nery tech­no­logy is evol­ving and new solu­tions for the dri­ver’s coping and efficient work are cons­tantly being deve­lo­ped. This is reflec­ted in Pons­se’s new inno­va­tive pro­duct inno­va­tions and con­ti­nuous software deve­lop­ment. This also means that rou­tine wor­king habits should be viewed with a healthy cri­tical eye and exa­mi­ned to see if there is anyt­hing in one’s work that can be chan­ged or done dif­fe­rently with the idea that “less is more”.

Efficient does not always mean a large amount of work done. A lot is deman­ded of today’s forest mac­hine ope­ra­tor: the wis­hes of cus­to­mers, the obli­ga­tions of forest com­pa­nies and envi­ron­men­tal issues always require more and more atten­tion from the ope­ra­tor.

As a mac­hine manu­fac­tu­rer, Ponsse wants to make the ope­ra­tor’s work easier by con­ti­nuo­usly deve­lo­ping its pro­ducts. Digi­tal ser­vices pro­vide more and more infor­ma­tion about the con­di­tion and pro­duc­ti­vity of mac­hi­nes. Based on the data, the ent­repre­neur can ana­lyze the ope­ra­tions of his com­pany and deve­lop it.

Ponsse trai­ning team

The Ponsse trai­ning team trains both in Fin­land and abroad. Through trai­ning, cus­to­mers get the most out of their mac­hi­nes and ope­ra­tors’ work­days are as smooth as pos­sible.

Pons­se’s ready-made trai­ning pac­ka­ges can be tai­lo­red to meet the cus­to­mer’s needs. The trai­ning can be orga­ni­sed at a Ponsse office, at the cus­to­mer’s pre­mi­ses or by mac­hine. Some trai­nings can also be done remo­tely.

Pons­se’s trai­ning team is ready so that you can get the latest tips on wor­king with Ponsse forest mac­hi­nes.

More infor­ma­tion on Ponsse trai­ning can be found at: / Ser­vices / Ponsse Aca­demy