Fee­lings from Epec fac­tory ope­ning

The ope­ning cere­mony of Epec’s new fac­tory in Sei­nä­joki, Fin­land was held on Thurs­day 18 January 2024. The fac­tory was ope­ned by Prime Minis­ter Pet­teri Orpo, who also got on board the PONSSE EV1, an elect­ric forest mac­hine deve­lo­ped jointly by PONSSE and Epec.

The celebra­tions were held toget­her with Epec’s cus­to­mers and other sta­ke­hol­ders. The guests and the media had the oppor­tu­nity to see Epec’s pro­duc­tion, tech­no­logy and pro­ducts, as well as our cus­to­mer M. Uusi­ta­lo’s Ponsse Scor­pion King har­ves­ter, which was on display in front of the fac­tory.

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Read more: Epec opens a res­pon­sible and smart fac­tory